Broke Single Mom Fitness workout tips
Top 10 Reasons to Learn Middle Splits: Flexibility, Performance, and More
This website earns commissions from qualifying purchases from posted ads. Learning the middle splits, also known as a straddle or middle split stretch, can offer several benefits. While it may not be necessary for everyone, it can be valuable for certain individuals depending on their goals and interests. Here are some reasons why people might choose to learn the middle…
Why You Need an Exercise Log
An exercise log has three primary functions: it should contain a pre-written daily workout or workout of the day (WOD, as CrossFitters say); it can be used to track training output per training session; and it’s a way to compare weekly and monthly training progress. Although a written exercise log (digital or physical) might seem too simple a tool to…
I Tried F45 Training – Review
This post reviews F45’s program style, cost, trainers, and other features of the facility and its training philosophy. I tried F45 Training because, after 18 years of being my own personal trainer, I needed to change things up, challenge myself, and possibly learn new skills. Once upon a time, I relegated group exercise to the realm of those who crave…
Do You Need a Gym for an Effective Workout? – A Fit Mom’s Experience
As a young, broke mom, I worked out at home for five years before ever joining a gym. I developed a six-pack for the first time a month after giving birth to my son, and a few months later, my legs were toned for the first time. I had my first taste of muscle growth and progress with exercise. I…
Bodyweight Training: Save Money, Prevent Injuries, and Stay Fit for Life
Bodyweight training is surging in popularity. This trend can be seen in the form of the calisthenics fitness movement and is the foundation of CrossFit training. If you follow any fitness tags on IG, Snapchat, or TikTok, you’ve surely seen posts of people performing gravity-defying yoga stands or difficult strength and technique movements, like planches or muscle-ups. But outside of…
Not Ready for a Public Gym? No Problem.
Believe it or not, you don’t have to join a gym to get in shape and stay that way. Before I joined a gym, I exercised in my living room every day for five years. I never wanted membership at a public gym. I can be myself at home and even goof around, which makes for a more enjoyable workout.…
The Weight/Body Fat Conundrum
Body weight doesn’t matter, body fat does. Here’s an analogy. Think back to your middle school Earth Science class. Remember when you had to weigh different rocks, and it was shocking to find a small rock that was much heavier than it looked, even heavier than larger rocks? What was your teacher’s explanation? If you don’t recall, here it is:…
Why Yoga?
Whether you want to be flexible or not, stretching is essential for everyone of all ages. I obviously learned this when studying to become a personal trainer, but, I admit, I didn’t implement stretching in my routines as much as I was supposed to. However, after eight years of bodybuilding and limited to no focus on stretching, my body eventually screamed for…