Beauty,  General,  Product Review

I Tried SpoiledChild’s Rapid Recovery Hair Mask

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I fell for SpoiledChild’s Instagram ads and ordered the S24 Rapid Recovery Hair Mask. Week after week my Reels feed showed me ads of customers dipping combs into a thick, pale, creamy hair mask, until the sight of what looked like creamy goodness wore me down and I finally clicked the “Learn More” link.

I have been on a hair growth journey since December 2017. The fact that I remember the month I began that journey reveals just how frustrating reaching my hair growth goal has been. In this six-year period, I tried all the mainstream products and some specialty products for natural, ethnic 4C hair (like mine). My hair hasn’t grown much, but it has strengthened, and my true pattern has finally revealed itself—after years of perms, hot iron straightening, and resisting the often-recommended big chop.

My Current Hair Regimen (w/o SpoiledChild)

  • Butter (yes, butter) – Danish Creamery Unsalted
    • Frequency of use: 1-2x/month
    • Application: I apply melted unsalted butter to my hair and leave it in for up to three days before washing it out.

The above routine is finally offering me regular growth, defined curls, and comfort and confidence with my hair every single day. So, given that, I had no reason to try SpoiledChild’s Rapid Recovery Hair Mask—but as stated above, the Instagram ads got me. Still, even though I fell for the ads, I was also skeptical of the product’s effectiveness compared to the products that took me years to find and make part of my regime.

My Thoughts on SpoiledChild’s Rapid Recovery Hair Mask

I took the SpoiledChild welcome quiz and was recommended the S24 hair mask. I applied it post-gym to my hair and left it in for about 6 minutes (I didn’t have the 10 minutes recommended in the instructions). After rinsing out the majority of the product, I put my hair up in a bun and went about my day, and left the hair mask jar with my son to try for himself.

The Results

My son’s hair was noticeably looser and more defined after one use. 😍 After seeing his hair, I undid my bun and fanned out my hair. The texture was so much softer than it has ever been. My curls were defined and shiny. Even with my satisfaction with my current routine, I’ve never seen my hair look that pretty—actually “pretty.” Needless to say, I signed up for the S24 hair mask auto-subscription, and I can’t wait to see where my hair goes from here.


Give SpoiledChild a try. Even though Instagram can be full of fly-by-night companies and gimmicks, SpoiledChild does not appear to fall into that category. Improving 4C hair like mine is not easy, especially with one application of a product. But SpoiledChild’s Rapid Recovery Hair Mask accomplished that with flying colors.

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