Muscle Fibers 101 & Goal-specific Training
Our bodies are composed of three types of skeletal muscle fibers: (1) Type I: slow-twitch, high endurance capacity; (2) Type IIa: fast-twitch, large, powerful, medium endurance capacity; and (3) Type IIb: fast-twitch, large, powerful, and easy-to-fatigue (sometimes called fight-or-flight muscle fibers). Your muscle fiber composition ratio is dependent on a muscle’s function, your age, your genetics, and – something you…
Bodybuilding, Calisthenics | Gymnastics, Exercises, Fat Loss, Flexibility, Functional Exercise, Strength
Cycling Will Not Make You Physically Fit
As cycling explodes in popularity, reflected by Peloton’s IPO, SoulCycle’s intended IPO, and Amazon semi-joining in, it’s important to know that cycling in itself does not build a well-rounded body. In fact, it does the opposite. Cycling is an example of exercises that break the body down, rather than build it up. And this is not primarily because of the…
Interview w/ Army Master of Fitness Marcus Wallace
Army SGT. First Class and Master Fitness Instructor Marcus Wallace will be partnering with Broke Single Mom Fitness to share exercises and nutrition advice with BSMF website visitors and social media followers. SGT. Wallace has years of experience as an athlete and trainer. Before joining the Army, he played basketball in college and became a 6-time MVP. Later, after receiving…
Abs, Arms, Bodybuilding, Calisthenics | Gymnastics, Glutes, Health, Online Fitness, Shoulders, Strength
Why Women Should Build Muscle
In a recent survey on the LLAFIT Facebook page, followers voted muscle growth as their number one goal for engaging in exercise. But if you’re not a LLAFIT Facebook follower and aren’t interested in packing on muscle size, you can still benefit from this post. Your objective should be, at minimum, to retain the muscle you have. This is because…
Bodyweight Training: Save Money, Prevent Injuries, and Stay Fit for Life
Bodyweight training is surging in popularity. This trend can be seen in the form of the calisthenics fitness movement and is the foundation of CrossFit training. If you follow any fitness tags on IG, Snapchat, or TikTok, you’ve surely seen posts of people performing gravity-defying yoga stands or difficult strength and technique movements, like planches or muscle-ups. But outside of…
Kneeling Squat Jump
Below is a plyometric, functional lower body exercise. Wake your lower body and whole body up with this movement. It is a perfect exercise for the middle of a fat loss routine or as a superset move during any routine. LLAFIT Senior Writer/EditorAs an athlete for over 22 years and a broke single mom for most of that time, I…
Glute Development: 4 Moves to Try
Developing the glutes is kind of an art. We all have a unique pair. Some of us have high glutes, some have low, some wide, pear-shaped, or compact glutes. We might stumble upon articles all about how to shape the glutes to your desire. But, while I say developing the glutes is kind of an art, it is really a…
Arms, Bodybuilding, Calisthenics | Gymnastics, in-home, Mobile Fitness Apps, Online Fitness, Shoulders, Strength, Upper Body
Want Developed Shoulders? Practice Handstands.
You don’t have to be proficient at an exercise to reap benefits from it. The process of building the strength and musculoskeletal stability to hold a handstand in itself yields muscular development. Eight years of bodybuilding never came close to giving me the upper body I’ve always wanted, but functional exercise (handstands included) finally got me there. Functional exercise involves…