4 Reasons Taking a Trip is Good for the Mind, Body, and Soul
This website earns commissions from qualifying purchases from posted ads. Travel is a popular way to experience new cultures, try new foods, and make memories that will last a lifetime. But did you know that traveling can also have a positive impact on your mental health? In this post, we’ll explore four major ways that traveling can improve your mental–and,…
Understanding and Manipulating Macronutrients
Our bodies require three types of macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These nutritional categories are further subdivided based on variations in composition and nutritional content. Through understanding these variations, you can adjust your choices to better fuel and recover from workouts and improve your overall health. Calories per gram/macronutrient: Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram Proteins: 4 calories per gram Fats:…
It’s Tonic Time: Herbal Tonics for Health + Wellness
I am a huge fan of herbal tonics! Tonics are ancient medicines that can be traced back several millennia. If you search the internet, you might find that many sites make a common claim that tonics originated in specific areas of the world, which might very well be true. However, in my research into medicine passed down from ancestors and…
50% Off Amazing Grass Supplements
Amazing Grass offers numerous products to guarantee ways to get your greens + fruits every day. Life isn’t perfect. Our schedules, budgets, and even fridge space don’t permit us all to store and prepare the variety of fruits and vegetables required for daily consumption. I love salad and eat it daily. I like fruit, but I don’t eat fruits daily.…
My Lunches in Pictures: 2017-2020
The gallery of images that follows is in no way all the lunches I’ve had from 2017 to 2020. It’s a snapshot to show the basic composition of lunches, a macro scheme I’ve followed from 2007 when I first read and adopted the nutrition principles in Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto and Nutrient Timing by sports…
Abs, Arms, Bodybuilding, Calisthenics | Gymnastics, Glutes, Health, Online Fitness, Shoulders, Strength
Why Women Should Build Muscle
In a recent survey on the LLAFIT Facebook page, followers voted muscle growth as their number one goal for engaging in exercise. But if you’re not a LLAFIT Facebook follower and aren’t interested in packing on muscle size, you can still benefit from this post. Your objective should be, at minimum, to retain the muscle you have. This is because…
2020 Self-help Message
I’ve been part of a superficial industry for a long time now: the fitness world. After seventeen years of people criticizing my body shape or exercise goals, I came to realize what I wrote below, which is intended for anyone struggling with rejection, minimization, or insults regarding their health and fitness goals. The message: don’t seek validation outside yourself I’ve…
4 Simple Rules to Post-pregnancy Fat Loss
Pregnancy puts a woman’s body through some incredible changes to bring life into the world. As a woman’s waistline expands, it’s normal for her to get self-conscious about her figure and worry she may never return to her prepregnancy build. After delivering her child, she can be left with extra fat, loose skin, or both. But, if you’re an expecting…