Why You Need to Log Calories
Some personal trainers and “health gurus” don’t believe in logging calories. Instead, they say “eat when you’re hungry.” I don’t agree with that. I know from experience that eating below or too far above the amount of calories your body requires (for muscle gain, fat loss, or maintenance) can sabotage any prospect of reaching your goals. For someone serious about…
Why Yoga?
Whether you want to be flexible or not, stretching is essential for everyone of all ages. I obviously learned this when studying to become a personal trainer, but, I admit, I didn’t implement stretching in my routines as much as I was supposed to. However, after eight years of bodybuilding and limited to no focus on stretching, my body eventually screamed for…
Handstand Progress
I can finally get up into a handstand on almost every attempt. Mind you, I can’t hold for long, but it’s progress! Again, I’m learning completely on my own. My teachers are a book, Overcoming Gravity, and YouTube. LLAFIT Senior Writer/EditorAs an athlete for over 22 years and a broke single mom for most of that time, I created brokesinglemomfitness.com,…
4 Rules to Pull-Up Mastery
Mastering pull-ups is difficult for everyone. Some people even have it on their bucket list. That’s a bit dramatic. But I get it. I felt like I was going to pop a blood vessel when learning the movement. While this exercise is difficult for both men and women, women cite more difficulty with it. Part of this might be a general lack…
Are Body Comparisons Your Doom?
I strongly believe that setting the goal to look like someone else, whether it’s just arms, legs, abs, or another person’s whole body, is a doomed prospect. Everybody is unique, so setting the goal to look like another person is illogical. Life isn’t a Disney movie: you’ll never magically turn into someone else. Here are some examples of why comparing…