Arms, Bodybuilding, Calisthenics | Gymnastics, in-home, Mobile Fitness Apps, Online Fitness, Shoulders, Strength, Upper Body
Want Developed Shoulders? Practice Handstands.
You don’t have to be proficient at an exercise to reap benefits from it. The process of building the strength and musculoskeletal stability to hold a handstand in itself yields muscular development. Eight years of bodybuilding never came close to giving me the upper body I’ve always wanted, but functional exercise (handstands included) finally got me there. Functional exercise involves…
Lower Body – Adult Gymnastic Strength Routine
Exercise Type: Calisthenics/Gymnastic Strength/Balance Level: Intermediate Goal: Skill development & muscle retention/gain Warm-up 3-min to 5-min jog around the gym 60-sec to 120-sec of dynamic stretches: alternating lunges: side, front, side, repeat – holding a few seconds in each position Total time: approx. 5 minutes Bosu ball pistol squats 3 sets, 6-10 reps This movement can be performed with one…