True Health & Fitness over Aesthetics
There’s such an emphasis on looking good in today’s fitness industry. I won’t deny that I care about looking good, but during my 19 years of dedication to lifelong fitness, the desire to feel good has always been my most reliable motivator. For many of us, reaching an aesthetic ideal can be frustrating and might never happen. By year eight…
Do You Need a Gym for an Effective Workout? – A Fit Mom’s Experience
As a young, broke mom, I worked out at home for five years before ever joining a gym. I developed a six-pack for the first time a month after giving birth to my son, and a few months later, my legs were toned for the first time. I had my first taste of muscle growth and progress with exercise. I…
4 Simple Rules to Post-pregnancy Fat Loss
Pregnancy puts a woman’s body through some incredible changes to bring life into the world. As a woman’s waistline expands, it’s normal for her to get self-conscious about her figure and worry she may never return to her prepregnancy build. After delivering her child, she can be left with extra fat, loose skin, or both. But, if you’re an expecting…
Thanksgiving Leftovers w/ Asian Twist
Below is a simple Thanksgiving leftover recipe. Actually, it’s so simple, it’s less of a recipe and more of a combination of a few ingredients that can easily be retrieved from a supermarket shelf — aside from the turkey leftovers themselves, of course. I had the meal featured in this post after 10 PM; therefore, no carbohydrates are in this…
This Month’s Like – Gymnastic Bodies Course
My initial interest in the Gymnastic Bodies’ courses began in 2015. By then, I had been lifting since I was 17 and focusing on bodybuilding. Since then, I’ve learned that while hypertrophy (muscle growth) is great, it has to be coupled with flexibility and functional movements to keep the body progressing and to prevent injury. In 2015, my nagging shoulder…
Exercise Videos
Below are videos from my current transition from bodybuilding to gymnastics. See my progress below, and maybe challenge yourself to some of these movements. Back Walkover Practice: First Attempt of Archer L-Sit Pull-Ups on Rings: Front Walkover Practice: Push-Up Variations: Single-arm Hanging Strength: View this post on Instagram A post shared by @llafitblog LLAFIT Senior Writer/EditorAs an athlete for…
3 Rules to Push-Up Mastery
A proper push-up (knees off the floor) is a basic upper body exercise. But for many, the movement is strenuous and difficult to learn. Women especially often struggle with how taxing the exercise can be. But, believe me, performing a correct, no-knees push-up has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with discipline and dedication. Follow the rules…
Bosu Pistol Squats
Pistol squats on the floor can take months to master, so take the time to learn that skill before moving on to bosu pistol squats. When you decide to give bosu pistols a try, be sure to focus on form and execution, not speed. The worst that can happen is that you’ll fall. No big deal. Just get up and…