Exercises,  Glutes

Bosu Pistol Squats

Pistol squats on the floor can take months to master, so take the time to learn that skill before moving on to bosu pistol squats. When you decide to give bosu pistols a try, be sure to focus on form and execution, not speed. The worst that can happen is that you’ll fall. No big deal. Just get up and try again with as perfect form as possible. Remember to tighten your core to maintain good balance.

As an athlete for over 22 years and a broke single mom for most of that time, I created brokesinglemomfitness.com, now LLAFIT.com, to aid anyone who believes the road to fitness requires a lot of cash or time. In reality, the way to fitness is paved with knowledge and firm principles; teaching readers how to master both is the goal of this site. LLAFIT - Lifelong Applied Fitness

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