gymnastics bodies online training
Calisthenics | Gymnastics,  Exercises,  Sylvia Petro

This Month’s Like – Gymnastic Bodies Course

My initial interest in the Gymnastic Bodies’ courses began in 2015. By then, I had been lifting since I was 17 and focusing on bodybuilding. Since then, I’ve learned that while hypertrophy (muscle growth) is great, it has to be coupled with flexibility and functional movements to keep the body progressing and to prevent injury. In 2015, my nagging shoulder tightness and limited flexibility urged me to expand my exercise repertoire and try something new. I purchased the Gymnastic Bodies’ Handstand One course in 2016 and soon dropped bodybuilding for calisthenic strength and functional exercise.

After ordering Handstand One, I incorporated gymnastic strength moves in my weekly training routine, three days per week. After months of this, I didn’t lose any of my hard-earned hypertrophy from bodybuilding. Surprisingly, my muscles have gotten fuller and longer-looking — a welcome change for a short person like me. Now, two years after starting Gymnastic Bodies, I have a five-day weekly calisthenic training schedule. I’ve graduated from basic dead-hang pull-ups to pulling 65lbs, doing l-sit pull-ups, archer pull-ups, and now practicing one-arm pull-ups. I’ve learned pistol and deck squats and pistol-deck squats. I also have greater muscle endurance than in my bodybuilding days. I didn’t know I was capable of half of what I’ve accomplished after my purchase of Gymnastic Bodies. I look forward to my body evolving further into a stronger, more versatile version of itself. The impetus was Gymnastic Bodies.


Broke Single Mom Fitness's - This Month's Like - April 22nd 2016

My progress

April 17, 2016 – week one:

Sylvia Petro's first handstand progression learned from gymnastic bodies
Did 3 sets for 20 seconds

August 2016

Check back for more progress pictures.

Follow my progress @sylviapetrofit on instagram


Initially published on Apr 23, 2016 - Updated and republished on June 18, 2018


As an athlete for over 22 years and a broke single mom for most of that time, I created, now, to aid anyone who believes the road to fitness requires a lot of cash or time. In reality, the way to fitness is paved with knowledge and firm principles; teaching readers how to master both is the goal of this site. LLAFIT - Lifelong Applied Fitness

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