4-Step Functional Upper Body Workout
Always consult a doctor or other medical professional before starting any exercise program. This website earns commissions from qualifying purchases from posted ads. As I’ve written in earlier posts (especially during the COVID lockdown), getting and staying fit does not require a gym membership or expensive equipment. Bodyweight exercises are an effective way to improve strength, function, and overall fitness,…
Minimal Sneakers: Worth a Try?
Over the past decade, science article after science article has suggested that overly cushioned, modern footwear is weakening our feet. Findings detailed in such articles express that dexterous, strong feet not only improve athletic performance, but also ability. As someone who believes in looking at my training from the foundational level (mastering the basics: functional movement capacity), I took those…
Quick Calisthenic Move
I saw Olympic gymnast Nile Wilson do this once — thought I’d give it a try. For months I couldn’t do more than two reps in a row. I realized my technique was the problem. To be successful with this move, reach up and over from start to finish (arms up in the lying position and forward from seated to…
Forearm Stand Practice
I suck at handstands, so I decided to focus on improving my elbow stand. (I know I need to point my toes.) #elbowstand #handstand #bodyweight #calisthenics #fitmom A post shared by Sylvia Petro (@sylviapetrofit) on May 24, 2018 at 5:02pm PDT Pre-handstand #forearmstand #elbowstand #balance #flexibility #bodyweight #fitmom #fitness #calisthenics A post shared by Sylvia Petro (@sylviapetrofit) on Jul 10,…
Forearm Stand Progress
I’ve been working on different handstand variations as part of the Gymnastic Bodies course I purchased. It has been about three months since I started the course (as of this post). I still can’t do freestanding handstands, but my favorite progression leading up to it, the forearm stand, is below. My goal is to lift my head with ease every…
Protect & Build Your Posture w/ These 14 Posterior Chain Exercises
You call yourself an athlete? Then you must build a strong posterior chain: the rear of your body, which comprises of your back, glutes, and hamstrings. The state of these muscles influence your posture, for good or bad, and are vital to optimum athletic performance. Every good athlete has powerful glutes, explosive hamstrings, and a strong back. But if you’re an average gym-goer…
My Biggest Leg Day Mistake
From 2007-2013, my “heavy” leg day exercises were done with the Smith and leg press machines. I trained hard, lifted heavy, but over that six-year period, all I got were big, shapeless legs. This made me jealous of other women who had well-developed, shapely legs. Diet aside, my body fat percentage never reached above 16%, so my muscles were not…