50% Off Amazing Grass Supplements
Amazing Grass offers numerous products to guarantee ways to get your greens + fruits every day. Life isn’t perfect. Our schedules, budgets, and even fridge space don’t permit us all to store and prepare the variety of fruits and vegetables required for daily consumption. I love salad and eat it daily. I like fruit, but I don’t eat fruits daily.…
Why You Need to Log Calories
Some personal trainers and “health gurus” don’t believe in logging calories. Instead, they say “eat when you’re hungry.” I don’t agree with that. I know from experience that eating below or too far above the amount of calories your body requires (for muscle gain, fat loss, or maintenance) can sabotage any prospect of reaching your goals. For someone serious about…
Supporting Your Fitness Habit on a Budget
As a broke single mom, I’ve struggled to stretch my budget to meet my caloric and nutritional needs as well as cover my gym membership. Some years were good, others were bad, moneywise. I’ve always had to scratch my head and figure out the best way to meet my fitness goals and at the same time take care of my…
Scivation Xtend Review
Xtend Pre-Workout Supplement: This supplement was one of my favorites for years. It really provides an energy boost without giving you a jittery feeling. A full serving before your workout is advised, and on off days, a serving in you water throughout the day. Unfortunately, I recently learned that something in the formula is linked to cancer. I have since…
The Nutrient Timing System Book Review
The key to a great physique is not just knowing what to eat, but also when to eat specific foods. The Nutrient Timing System was written by two men with Ph.D.’s in sports nutrition, Drs. Robert Portman and John Ivy. The book covers when to eat specific nutrients and why. Drs. Ivy and Portman have worked to help Olympic athletes reach…